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The Fulcrum Files (2000)

by Mark Chisnell(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Set in England and Germany as Hitler is starting his encroachment in to France this tale follows an engineer who was a scholarship student at university and found himself between the lower class working men and the upper crust of the privileged. He and a friend while working for an aircraft company designed an advanced aluminum mast for another industrial mogul’s racing yacht. When the friend is killed in an accident while stepping the mast the trouble begins workers on the yacht strike, the titled fop who was in charge of the boat foments trouble, our engineer discover that his friend died leaving his widow a mountain of debts and along with his girl friend try to determine what brought about that situation. There is class warfare, spies and MI6 and a desperate fligh... moret from Germany by the engineer and woman who was sent with him by the yacht owner to purchase parts for German made diesel motor that powered the owner’s motor yacht.Well paced, interesting period piece, another good free Kindle.
review 2: In inter-war Britain forces are at work either trying to prevent or prepare for a second world war. Ben Clayton is more interested in sailing and fisherman's daughter Lucy. When an apparent accident kills his friend Ben is plunged into a world of intrigue, plots and counter-plots. As a sworn pacifist he doesn't even want to be involved with the production of warplanes like the Spitfire, but events force him to rethink his position. His beliefs aren't the only thing under threat, as his relationship with Lucy is threatened by the seductive Anna.This novel is primarily a spy thriller but for me it was much enhanced by the historical element. I found the writing so evocative of the period. I could picture the people and their dress and it captured the tensions, including class divisions, of the time. When the story moved to Germany I found some of the narrative chilling and very tense, and I read on keen to get to the bottom of the tale. I found the author's note about certain facts that pertain to the story fascinating. They were facts I weren't aware of and often it's the stories like those that bring history to life for me. Sailing also plays an important part, and is a recurring and interesting theme in Mark's novels (no great surprise if you read his author biog)Ben is a very empathetic character. His life looks to be heading in exactly the direction he wanted, but he rapidly finds it all unraveling and unwittingly becomes a key to the course of the future. The strength of his beliefs has alienated his parents and he doesn't seem to fit within any particular class, and now he finds himself pulled from all angles. It's impossible not to be on his side. Lucy is also an attractive character and the polar opposite of slick, glamorous Anna. There are some very interesting dynamics among the various characters and while there is a lot going on it wasn't hard to follow the twists and turns, and unlike some spy stories I didn't find myself scratching my head trying to figure out what I had missed at the end.This was a really enjoyable read and for me it cast a new light on the run up to World War II. The writing is fluid and allows the story to move on at a good pace. This was quite a departure from The Defector, by the same author, but Mark Chisnell's books are very welcome on my kindle. less
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Enjoyed the book. It took awhile to "get started," so the second half was better than the first.
I enjoyed the twists and suspense ....
Marginally okay.
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