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Non Stop India (2011)

by Mark Tully(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 3
0670083895 (ISBN13: 9780670083893)
Allen Lane
review 1: A sympathetic but by no means a uncritical look at the state of the nation a few years back and the number of faultlines that can become a break on progress, development and even social and communal amity. Sir Mark is a old India hand and his assessment of the situation is unparalleled but he most wisely lets his interlocutors suggest the solution or the way ahead, which makes the work a key text in analysing the contours of perception, and thought to the issues of contemporary India.
review 2: The book is by Mark Tully. What more! He takes us through 10 crucial topics related to India and explains to us with a neat clarity. Be it the untouchablity issue or the Project Tiger, the explanation is neat and comprehensible. He has been the Indian correspondent for B
... moreBC for more than 30 years, no wonder he gives an insightful account of every issue. For every person who aspires to be a journalist, they must read this book. They will know the importance of sources and research. I strongly recommend this book to those who take interest in Indian affairs. less
Reviews (see all)
Very good observation of india and more of posite aspects of india
nice rambling thoughts on India. Your travel companion.
A great read if you like to read about India.Loved it.
Good Book.An Englishman in Indian Clothing.
Brilliant! :)
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