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Le Cinque Stirpi (2003)

by Markus Heitz(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 3
8842914339 (ISBN13: 9788842914334)
The Dwarves
review 1: For those used to LOTR inspired fantasy, this is familiar territory. That said, the story has fun and pace, and reads very quickly even though it is more than 700 pages long. There are flaws - the magical realm seems too small for all of the variety of kingdoms and races in it, a common problem with fantasies of this ilk – probably deliberately so that characters can travel around the realm in a few days, rather than in weeks or months. The main characters at times seem amateurish, ill-matched and disorganised – so much so that it makes a defeat of well organised bad guys less credible. The underground railway idea was unconvincing, in how such a big project could be forgotten about, and how, after so long, it would still work. Nevertheless, the novel was fun, and... more left great potential for the sequels to follow. Recommended.
review 2: I have read and enjoyed countless fantasy novels and always had an affinity with dwarves, not just because I am very short myself. As they are usually support characters or feature only briefly in novels, I have often wondered what it would be like if a fantasy was written from a Dwarfs perspective. As you can imagine, I was instantly intrigued by this book, the first in a series. I was not disappointed, in fact this novel only served to strengthen my love of the diminutive race. The world building is carried out seamlessly and avoids the common trappings of information dumping in long pieces of exposition, or forced into unnatural conversations between characters, just to get across the vital piece of knowledge the reader needs to understand. One thing that was done well was the portrayal of dwarf history in the world described. Although Heitz follows the traditional image of dwarves, he also manages to inject new ideas into the mix. I particularly enjoyed the idea that each clan, five in total, had a certain talent, or skill, which determined their place in society. Some were warriors, some stone masons, or blacksmiths. Dwarves are not the only creatures to inhabit this world, but the writer avoided the trap of everything feeling like a box ticking exercise, trying to squeeze as many creatures and old tropes as possible into a high fantasy tale. Some novels do exactly that, as though somebody sat and checked them off from some kind of mythical bestiary, Orcs....check! Elves....check! Dragon.... The main protagonist, Tungdil, who is of course a dwarf, is very well written and the characterisation is spot on. As a reader you find yourself rooting for and sympathising with him from the very beginning. His adventure and inner journey, is truly epic and holds sway over the whole fate of his world. There are some brilliant and exciting set pieces, which keep you turning the pages. Rip-roaring adventure is definitely the order of the day here. I feel that Markus Heitz stands up to comparison with some of the greats in the genre. Similar in tone to the likes of C. S. Lewis and Ursula K. Le Guin. This book doesn't reinvent the wheel, by any stretch of the imagination, this is still an enjoyable fantasy yarn that stays true to the principles of the genre. less
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L'idea non era male in fondo. I nani sono personaggi spesso usati "di contorno" nelle saghe fantasy. Qui si da loro maggior spessore e identità. Buona l'idea di dividerli in stirpi, dando a ognuna caratteristiche e talenti peculiari. Peccato però la realizzazione. Il linguaggio è semplice, e questo può star bene. Scorrevole, rapido, senza fronzoli (anche se qualche finezza ogni tanto compare specie verso la fine). Però la prevedibilità è alta, le battaglie raccontate male, liquidate in fretta prima che il lettore venga coinvolto. Ho sempre indovinato ciò che sarebbe accaduto con due pagine di anticipo e questo ha rovinato il pathos. Ci sono ingenuità anche a livello stilistico (mi viene in mente il commento della voce narrante messo tra parentesi a un certo punto, in cui sottolinea che ci crede che i protagonisti avevano paura! O l'annunciare l'esito di un dialogo prima di introdurlo), probabilmente penalizzate anche da una traduzione non eccellentissima (ma comunque dignitosa). In poche parole, una lettura leggera, avventurosa, che si rende migliore giusto nelle 50 pagine finali. Speriamo che sia più maturo nel secondo (anche perché ho comprato tutti e cinque i libri in un colpo solo :P Cosa che non farò mai più!)
I just finished reading this book. I came into the book thinking that Heitz was supposed to be the German Tolkien. He's not. The first chapter or two are masterful, then it dies off for about a hundred pages it drops off. The issue was it got quite predictable. However,after that stumble, the book picked up again. The last third of the book is extremely difficult to put down. Also it's a very dwarf based story - you can't tell that from the name. The concept of dwarf clans, and the magic system are well constructed.I definitely enjoyed this book, and will pick up the next one.
Vraccas !!!
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