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The Hungry Ghost Of Rue Orleans (2011)

by Mary Quattlebaum(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 2
0375962077 (ISBN13: 9780375962073)
Random House Books for Young Readers
review 1: When Pierre and Marie move into Fred's dilapidated, run-down and seriously dusty abandoned house Fred becomes quite alarmed. They begin to clean and bring in new furniture and a huge stove! Oh, no! They're turning his beautiful abandoned house into a restaurant!Fred can't take this. He begins to haunt the restaurant. But instead of turning people away Fred's haunting draws people in; including a very important food critic who pronounces the restaurant a great success!Just as Marie discovers who he is Fred decides he must leave. He needs dust and clutter and leaks and squeaky floors. While Marie ponders Fred's departure Fred is distracted by Pierre's wonderful Ghost Puffs. While Fred continues to partake of the sweet treat Marie takes the time to prepare a special place jus... moret for Fred; it's dusty, creaky, leaky and cluttered. Fred can stay!
review 2: Cute, but it only grabbed me for a moment before I began to question the inconsistencies surrounding the ghost. I think that at least some kids will have that same problem.A haunted house in New Orleans, or at least an old house with a ghost in it, gets turned into a small restaurant, and the ghost becomes upset, first because no one is listening to his ghostly protests, and then apparently because no one is afraid of him, once they know he's there. He is barely able to interact with the rest of the world, other than one poltergeist outburst, but can carry a potted plant and eat pastries.The restaurant reminded me of the one in the Disney Princess and the Frog movie, and some kids may notice that comparison and enjoy it. The artwork is very nice. less
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Kids may be drawn to the book due to Disneyesque illustrations. A cute little ghost story.
A unique ghost story that will leave you as hungry as the ghost of the title.
Just read this to my daughter. It's super cute, well illustrated and written.
Delectably delicious!
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