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Getting Started With Arduino (2009)

by Massimo Banzi(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 5
0596155514 (ISBN13: 9780596155513)
Maker Media, Inc
review 1: This was really an excellent book for arduino beginners. Be careful, however, if you're an engineer it specifically states that you aren't really the intended audience. The author, who is one of the leaders of the arduino project, recommends his book for designers and cracks a few jokes about engineers. The language can seem like you are being talked down to, but that could have just been because I have taken a C programming course in the past. There are a couple tutorials that are definitely useful if you have never before used an arduino, and it effectively introduces the reader to the programming language. I would recommend it if you need to learn arduino basics quickly.
review 2: Only 90 pages of real text, the rest are appendices. There are also a lot of g
... moreiant page-sized diagrams that aren't really all that needed.All in all the book was a lot less technical than I had thought it would be. I was expecting something a little more in-depth, bridging the Arduino with the electronics themselves. All the book really ended up being was "make an LED blink, now make it blink with a button, now make it blink with a photosensor."They briefly touched on what the ATMEGA chip was, and then dropped it entirely, saying it's "an entire computer in a chip." Really disappointed.Guess I need something more "grown up." less
Reviews (see all)
This is a great intro to the Arduino. Easy way to get started with the microcontroller.
While the book was helpful, I found it far too basic for my use in getting started.
Good introduction to the Arduino.
Great. Simple. Easy.
very basic
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