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We Were Here (2009)

by Matt de la Pena(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 5
0385906226 (ISBN13: 9780385906227)
Delacorte Press
review 1: Miguel Castaneda. A sixteen year old boy, going to jail for a reason that has haunted Miguel ever since. Still not sure of what the heck he just did, he is sent to juvenile. Less than a week later, Miguel is sent to a group home where he meets many other weird people. There Miguel also meets his two best friends. "I growled and went for Mong again, ready to, rip his damn eyes out, but Jaden tackled me. And Jackson and Tommy pulled Mong over to the couch and sat him down and stood in front of him so he couldn't go anywhere." As you just read, they didn't much have the greatest first impression, though they overcome it and become more closer. Together, the three go on a long trip to freedom. Along the way they overcome trials, face tragedies, and remember sad memories. I pe... morersonally love adventures and I go on lots of trips too, so you could say I kind of in some ways know how they feel. The friendship fights between the boys just show how lonely they are. If you are uncomfortable reading bad words, watch out! There is almost at least ten in every page. I loved the book itself so skipping the bad words wasn't a problem. I recommend this book to anyone in search of adventures, fun, and books with lots of surprises!
review 2: I actually started this book in April because due to the hard work of my department chair, the author came to our school for a literary luncheon with about 60 of our students. As life happens, I only got to about page 100 before the date. However, the students (many non readers included) said it was their favorite of the year. While I didn't find the mystery of his brother to be there, I did like Miguel's voice and development throughout the novel and understand why the students liked it so much. less
Reviews (see all)
This book is amazing and the ending is awesome and very unexpected
Beautiful book, really heart warming
This was a good book
Very very good.
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