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The Incal Classic Collection (1988)

by Mœbius(Favorite Author)
4.28 of 5 Votes: 4
0857685864 (ISBN13: 9780857685865)
Titan Books
The Incal / L'Incal
review 1: Más que una cómic de ciencia ficción espiritual, es una exploración del hombre y su división entre el deseo "banal" representado por Difool y su negación a seguir los designios del Incal; y el sentido de responsabilidad, la renuncia al yo en pos de un bien mayor de sus compañeros de travesía. La ciencia ficción es un mero instrumento para situar a los protagonistas en un contexto que los lleve a los extremos.Moebius y Jodorowsky desatan un grimorio de psicodelia y misticismo que debe ser visitado, citado evangelizado.
review 2: At 30, I likely discovered The Incal later than many who did so in their college years, but the second I flipped to the first page in the bookstore, I knew this one was for me and I think I appreciate it much more than I would h
... moreave when I was younger. The art is absolutely incredible and detailed. The plot is a spiritual, psychological, space faring opera. It does drag a bit about 3/4 of the way through but the ending knocked me on the floor for several days. One other reviewer mentioned the static archetypes that are contained within the book as a negative. I would like to say that this was absolutely intended. Jordowsky was a fan of Jung and these archetypes come directly from him. Without any spoilers, the ending even shows that this was the point. less
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Classic Masterpiece of metaphysical connotations, so to speak.A must-read for all.
Where has this book been hiding? Why did no-one ever tell me about it?
Un rollercoaster lisergico: veloce, folle, adrenalinico.
gaaaah my copy is only up to book 4!!!!! waaaaaaah :'(
New Age Star Wars.
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