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The Kassa Gambit (2013)

by M.C. Planck(Favorite Author)
3.39 of 5 Votes: 2
076533092X (ISBN13: 9780765330925)
Tor Books
review 1: The book blurb led me to expect a first contact type of story. The quote on the cover indicated a "thriller, political novel, and specs opera all rolled into one". I can say you had one main character who is running both from and toward something, not really sure of what either is, and another main character hiding something from everyone, possibly even himself. Fast paced, just enough science fiction, just enough mystery, just enough adventure to call it simply a fun read.
review 2: Somehow I put this one away without posting a review, so here are my thoughts. This was another first novel, I think (I've read a lot of those this year), so I can forgive most of the weak spots. The setting is sometime in the distant future. Humanity has spread itself out ac
... moreross the stars, and somehow drifted away from Earth. There are no known aliens, yet suddenly a distant colony is attacked, and the attackers prove to be alien in nature. I hope that the author returns to this setting, because I enjoyed the story, though the ending was tied up a little too neatly for my taste. less
Reviews (see all)
Easy read, interesting characters, exciting plot. Looking forward to Mr Planck's next effort!
Ended very quickly and too happy. Pretty good for a first book.
Loved it--yes, some problems, but fun.
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