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Midsummer Moon (2011)

by Megan Derr(Favorite Author)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 4
0012492175 (ISBN13: 2940012492173)
Less Than Three Press
review 1: If any suggestion of homosexuality is not your style then do not read this book, or anything by Megan Derr for that matter. This is a paranormal homosexual romance novel, and quite well written. The characters are easily related to and quite human, for paranormals. The romance develops as most do in romance novels, with attraction, denial, confusion, and so forth. I find Derr's writings to be human and interesting. As with all of my romance readings I tend to skip over the graphic to get to the emotional, but that is a personal preference. A neat book.
review 2: It was a cute story.I liked Lowell, despite his headlines inner monologues. He really did seem like a lost puppy, pleading for someone to take him in and care for him. And although he wasn't there
... more long, he became attached to Peter. Low's young spiritfullness and energy was nicely matched by Peter's calm and gentle personality.However, the last part of the story seemed a bit abrupt in change, even taking into consideration that Low was picking up personality traits from his werewolf. There was just a slight differentiation between the scared young man and the one barking orders (not that Connor or Antonio paid any mind to them :P), acting all tough and alpha.I would also have liked to learn more about the other characters, as there were some original ideas in the storyline (top vampires and vampire hunting dog?) that were not developed. But as short stories go, this one was quite pleasant! less
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Funny, sweet story. Great take on the werewolf genre!
3.5 starssuper cute :)
Lent-by Kindle
3.5 stars
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