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Midsummer Law (2010)

by Megan Derr(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 1
Less Than Three Press
review 1: REVIEWED FOR PRISM BOOK ALLIANCE3.75 StarsWith the discovery of a murderer and his consequent death in the last book the town of Midsummer is finally settling back to normal. Well, as normal as a town can get when most of its residents are paranormal.When a stranger arrives in town looking to collect his dead brother’s belongings the sheriff, who is also a witch, is left reeling. Merry is obviously the dead man’s twin and although they look alike they are also completely different. Merry is decked out in lace, leather and make up and is the sheriff’s wet dream.After the initial insta lust this is more a slow burn love affair. Both men are shy, slow on the uptake and live miles away from each other with established lives and careers. However, they both seemed determin... moreed to keep meeting each other and they really didn’t stand a chance with the Midsummer locals taking an interest. The lonely sheriff gets his sexy goth in this latest short glimpse into the town of Midsummer.
review 2: I enjoy Megan Derr's books and I really liked the goth aspect in this one, it made me want to read more goth character themed books! BUT! I didn't care for the authors skipping around scenes, we miss some of the best moments, just so it can stay a short story...and there was a fight scene at the end that we the readers only catch the tail end of! It's out of left field! We don't know what its about or anything, one minute the two are smooching, the next scene they are post fight! Lazy writing! Still, overall a Goodread (ha, see what I did there?) and I highly recomend it! less
Reviews (see all)
Enjoyable enough, but a tad short/underdeveloped compared to the previous novellas in this series.
Cute story although I didn't enjoy it as much as the two previous ones.
Lent - Kindle
3.5 stars
4.5 stars
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