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Midsummer Curse (2010)

by Megan Derr(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 2
Less Than Three Press
review 1: I love these stories. The characters are likable, indepth, and intresting. The world that you find yourself in is intresting as well. I truely enjoy the emotion put into the book. The emotional play between characters. However what keeps the books from reaching five star statues for me is the lack of sex. No i'm not a book smut slut. Sex in books aren't just about smut, it's also about the passion between the characters for us to see. It's that natural progression in a relationship that we get to be there for. For me (and I admit there may be those that don't agree) without it feels as though I'm missing a concret piece of the relationship. Though this book was much better than the last about that, with all the steamy kisses and no doubt that they actually will do it. I ju... morest wish I'd been there for it.
review 2: It's no secret I love Megan Derr's books and this one is no different. I loved Ferdy from the start and the curse that made him break everything with metal in it. The way he was so sad he couldn't touch the things he loved made me feel bad for him and made me love him even more. With Ferdy's curse and Brayton's desire to make Ferdy happy by fixing it, made for a very enjoyable story for me.It's cute and sweet and I recommend it to everyone :D less
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I actually love this couple more than the first series.
Great fun read - enjoying this series.
My favorite of this series.
Rated 4.25 stars.
Lent - Kindle
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