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A Custom-Fit Crime (2013)

by Melissa Bourbon(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 1
0451417194 (ISBN13: 9780451417190)
A Magical Dressmaking Mystery
review 1: The wedding between Harlow's mom and the sheriff is finally here. In the meantime, an old friend of Harlow's arrives in Bliss, just as two other fashion designers and magazine reporter arrive for a spread on them for D magazine. One of the designers is a target of foul play, and Harlow must utilize her Cassidy ways to help find another killer. It's nice to revisit a series and catch up with secondary characters that are so well done as in this series. The mystery may have gotten a bit long with a lot of musings about intellectual property/creative license, but all in all, another fun read about the folks that inhabit Bliss.
review 2: I love this series, truly I do, but this entry felt slightly off. I can't quite put my finger on why I didn't enjoy it as much as
... more the others. Too many periphery characters? Too much time away from the shop? Too many subplots? Too many cozies back to back? Too much Gavin? I just don't know. The main characters were all in fine form - the Cassidy women, Will, Gracie, and Hoss. The mystery solution was obvious, but in truth it seemed secondary to everything else that was going on in Bliss those few days. Maybe, that was the problem. The mystery seemed a subplot. It doesn't matter I'll keep reading this series because it is one that just gets it right - only a tiny bit less right this time. less
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Again, loved it! Mystery without gore, likeable characters, little bit of romance. It's great.
I love cozy mysteries, but this one was bit much, even for me.
3 1/2 Stars
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