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The Last Detail (2011)

by Melissa Schroeder(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 4
1609285212 (ISBN13: 9781609285210)
Samhain Publishing
review 1: Loved it! I would do 4.5 stars if I could because my only complaint was length. I was not sure whether or not this would be my cup of tea, but Melissa Schroeder is on my "Auto-Read" list so I dove in. I loved it! The opening immediately gave me a feeling of Blade Runner (which I love) and to have the lead be a kick ass female made it even better! Fast paced, the characters have a history which allows for the brevity of the length, and the sexual tension is terrific! The culmination of said tension is scorching! I truly would love to see more of this futuristic type story telling from Ms. Schroeder because it opens the door for a whole new series. My only negative thought is that it was too short. I would have loved more info on and details on the past between the characte... morers. But for the price point I certainly can't be greedy. However, the skill with which the tale unfolds definitely could have kept me reading for twice the amount of time!
review 2: ok starting this book i almost groaned...i really thought at the begining i was going to hate the heroine lou, i wanted to make sam throw out his alpha male on her, then jared came in and i wanted to kick his butt myself for waiting so long...but let me tell you by the end i was laughing so hard at lou and knew she was perfect for these two. i usually like a little more damsel in distress without being whiny in my heroine but that would not have worked out for these two heros and that is why i will leave the great writing to melissa..she knows what she is doing...a really great quick read and one i will read again less
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Loved this book. Very, very hot and steamy sex scenes and a great story line. Another winner.
I loved the connection between all three main characters, it made the romance super HOT!
It was a quick short read, but I really wanted more character development.
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