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Il Manoscritto Di Dio (2008)

by Michael Cordy(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 5
884291567X (ISBN13: 9788842915676)
review 1: At the core of this novel is the 16th Century artefact known as The Voynich Manuscript - it really exists, its illustrations are real, and the fact it's written in a language that experts have never been able to identify or translate - is a matter of historical record.Like Cordy's previous novels (I'm a fan and have read all of them), The Source combines adventure and action with Cordy's constant themes of science vs. religion, and Man's quest to understand the past and the mystery of our existence.I've enjoyed all of Cordy's books and The Source was no exception.Fans of Raiders Of The Lost Ark-type films will enjoy the exotic locations and fast-moving action, but it is the deeper, questioning nature of the story - universal themes of Man's conflict with one another and wi... moreth the morality of faith and of science, that in my view give Cordy's novel a greater degree of satisfaction. Some readers might like to see those themes explored in greater depth, but Cordy doesn't let too much introspection get in the way of the plot twists - this is, after all, a thriller. He maintains a balance, which is what makes this a great read for suspense tragics.
review 2: Objectively, this book is a 2 star. I mean, the writer doesn't even know the names of the main characters, if you read it you'll notice that he keeps messing up!!!!!!!!!!!!But it made me aware of this XVIth century Voynich manuscript, which does exist for real, and is absolutely beautiful.And again, the story was good and light entertainment, it showed a lot of creativity (a lot!!!!), it went fast, and this is what I look for in a no brainer. less
Reviews (see all)
Pretty good action combined with some science and mystery. Definitely better than Dan Brown.
Another totally riveting read - real edge of the seat and eminently enjoyable.
Chronicles of Han Storm Book Club ReadEditor's Choice"Thought provoking book"
I soon abandoned the reading. Too much stereotypes in so few pages.
Pretty Good - fairly raced through it...Clever and very readable
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