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Saçmalıklar Çağı: Modern Hayat Neden Mutlu Olmayı Zorlaştırıyor? (2010)

by Michael Foley(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
domingo yayınevi
review 1: Delightfully written and infinitely readable, this is not the chronicle of despairing resignation one might expect it to be, title and tagline considered. Full of underlineable lines and quotable quotes that cohabit most amiably, it is a pleasure to amble through, nodding, smirking, and pausing to ponder frequently. There are few pitfalls, but they are too forthright to ignore - the tines Foley gets a little too pleased with himself, or reveals woefully clanging views of trans* people and bisexuality, or puts science on a pedestal and religion in the gutter without due thought, for three examples I can immediately recount. It is a shame that ignorance in an obviously intelligent man has created these blemishes on such an enjoyable book, but it is testament to the overall ... morework that they do not detract harshly or leave a bad taste in the mouth. I finished the book with a very satisfied flourish, and only after a moment did I give a little shake of my head for how, with the slightest bit more consideration, it could have been even better.
review 2: Human beings understand more about the world than ever before, but as we confront our insignificance in the scale of the universe, most of us have actually become more and more egotistical. We demand instant gratification in every arena, from work to love to being entertained. Without pointing his finger at any particular cause, Foley does suggest a unitary solution, which is to enjoy the inherent meaninglessness and Kafka-esque futility of existence. Foley ends the book by summarising the Myth of Sisyphus, as a perfect illustrative example of how mankind may enjoy an apparently thankless and interminably futile task. Some of the particular grumbles of Foley may strike the reader as classic grumpy middle aged man territory, but the message shouldn't be lost overall. The fact that all the super-charged technological and social advances of the past few centuries have not made mankind much happier is because of our biological programming to be constantly dissatisfied, but we are possessed of a conscious mind that can try and fight against the impulsive and irrational subconscious, and we must exercise this discretion and engage in this battle rather than simply giving in. less
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Great book, thought provoking but funny at the same time.
started reading on 01/12/2013
A book you must read.
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