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La Materia Oscura (2011)

by Michelle Paver(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 2
8862511019 (ISBN13: 9788862511018)
review 1: This a simply the most chilling book I have read. The suspense builds skilfully and despite predicting the progress of part of the storyline, the reader is taken by surprise (horror) as the ending draws nearer. The main character is young and naive and yet knows what he has to face, as each chapter brings him closer to the truth of his situation. A brilliant read that feeds on all our terrors- the dark, the unknown and the violence that man can unleash when fear of consequence is removed.
review 2: It was breathtaking and really one of the best books I've read. I started read it firstly with no impression , but the reading gradually got more and more interesting, thrilling and I almost was becoming a participant of the events. I read about Arctic and the life i
... moren there from Jack London's book, how people suffering in that bad conditions was struggling with cold, scurvy, malnourishment and etc. But Michelle Paver's "Dark Matter" is completely different. I'm looking forward to see the film based on this book. And lots of thanks to Michelle Paver for such an amazing written book. less
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An eerie and atmospheric spooky ghost story. Easy read.
Nice little ghost story with some real atmosphere
4.5 stars
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