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Skandal Keluarga Kanellis (2013)

by Michelle Reid(Favorite Author)
3.43 of 5 Votes: 2
9792293884 (ISBN13: 9789792293883)
PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
review 1: I agree with one of the previous reviwers of this book. The internal monologues just made the book seem tedious. I'd have enjoyed more of the dialogue. When they did speak, Zoe seemed overly vengeful. Unreasonably so, as if she were just needling him for her own self-worth.I liked Anton and Zoe, don't get me wrong, but the story felt forced. They feel a strong attraction, and yes, you can see them falling in love, but, all the angst just seemed forced. The tension wasn't real or didn't feel real.
review 2: This was a good Reid, not her best but very enjoyable though the heroine had a tendency to argue a lot and not let the hero speak. 22 year old Zoe is left orphaned, in-charge of her new-born brother and facing the media deluge due to the leak of the fact that
... more her father was a Kanellis and now she and her brother seem to be the heirs to the vast empire.Anton Pallis who the media thinks was the Kanellis heir is left to deal with everything since Zoe's grandfather is too sick. He goes to Zoe, takes her away from the media with a lot of melodrama involved.Zoe hits out at him often saying he's a kidnapper, selfish and more and Anton is usually left amused.The book was short and good, I did enjoy the gold-digger tag attached to Anton even though he was wealthy in his own right and knew from the start that he was not the heir. less
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Girl with baby bro, recently orphaned, dominating grandpa, emotional turmoil
Ah, the Masterful Greek Hero of the new school. Yes, fully capitalized.
khusus bikin rak "tokoh cewek menyebalkan" untuk buku ini ;(
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