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17 Day Diet A Doctor's Plan Designed For Rapid Results (2000)

by Mike Moreno(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 1
0857207024 (ISBN13: 9780857207029)
Simon & Schuster Ltd
review 1: This "Diet" (use of quotes because it is really a life-style change) Will make you fall in love with food, your taste buds will awaken and you food perspective will widen. Have you tried Kefir? Flaxseed oil? Plain yogurt with sugar free jam? Well, if not you will following this plan. The book is simple and easy to follow and very amusing. Dr. Mike has a personable demeanor that is apparent in each chapter. There is a section where he describes the benefits of fat (bigger breasts is one of them). As a forewarning the meals do require a significant amount of planning, shopping and preparation. If you do things a week in advance and freeze it isn't as bad. Weight loss will happen and is sustainable on this plan and you will enjoy the food.
review 2: I am still in
... morethe midst of following this plan (after I got a little sidetracked last week ~ LOL), but I've read most of the book and I like the plan, so I am giving it 4 stars!This is very similar to Weight Watchers Simply Filling Method. You eat the healthiest, whole foods available, which seems so simple, but with all of the the processed options that are out there, it can be challenging. This gives you a food plan for every day of the week, and I like that structure, because then I don't have to think about what to prepare or what to eat. I just look at my list, and that is that. I have felt so much better eating whole foods and drinking lots of water! It seems like such a no-brainer, so why is it so challenging?!The 17 Day Diet is simple, but it works. It is helpful in getting healthy! less
Reviews (see all)
eh. Not the big deal “The Doctor’s” made it out to be
It was not special or "revolutionary", it was ok.
Lost 7 lbs in 1st week!
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