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The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor's Plan Designed For Rapid Results (2011)

by Mike Moreno(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 1
1451648650 (ISBN13: 9781451648652)
Free Press
review 1: When one is following the principles in this book, one is healthy, energized, and consistantly losing weight. When one stops following the principles in this book and eats whatever, whenever and consumes toxins such as alcohol, tobacco, and processed/refined sugars and flours, one puts the weight lost all back on and is lethargic and lazy. Reading and owning this book is not enough. The actual life changes laid out in its pages are a must. Scale back alcohol. Eat vegetables. Choose leaner meats, chicken and fish. The perks are that unlike almost every other "diet" out there, this one uses words like "plenty of" and "generous portions." You are never left hungry or unsatisfied. The meals are delicious, and the recipies are interesting, varied healthy. I try to keep this boo... morek on me at all times to keep me on track and motivated. The results you can get out of this program are double the amount of effort you put into it.
review 2: I have never dieted before. I have friends who like to try the latest fad diets and it always turned me away. My mother did an excellent job of raising me on a very natural and proportional diet. Something changed in my late 20's - my metabolism sllllooooowed down and my schedule sped up. Convenience was the top quality in my meals. Eating became more emotional. A family member recommended this book to me - more in passing. He and his wife decided to try this diet after a very stressful number of months - to get back on track. It sounded like a healthy and safe way to detox and trim down. It had great ideas for variety - not just eating cabbage over and over... This diet was very successful in getting me back on track to healthy eating. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to trim down 15 - 30 pounds and get back to a healthy eating lifestyle. Make sure to plan and make the time to cook and get food ready. It is so worth it! less
Reviews (see all)
This is an amazing diet!! I feel the best I have felt in years. Easy to understand and follow
Have some interesting ideas, but very hard to follow. I stopped at 7th day of the diet.
This is a simple, realistic plan. I'm giving it a try!
I think I will put this diet to the test!
Great book and it works.
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