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The Time Keeper - Sang Penjaga Waktu (2012)

by Mitch Albom(Favorite Author)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
Gramedia Pustaka Utama
review 1: This book makes you think and makes you feel. It was what I expected going in, but I still didn't expect to be so impacted by it. I read it in one sitting, an easy feat considering it's only about 230 pages and short chapters, but still it was just that consuming. The way Albom presented the story to us reminded me very much of The Book Thief-another one of my all time favorites. However we had three stories and by the end I was invested equally in all of them. Dor and Sarah were by far my favorite, but Victor warmed up to me by closing. It amazes me how real and rich these characters relationships felt, yet Albom did not spend strenuous time building them. Most of the relationships just were, and somehow, someway they were written, I wholeheartedly believed it. Dor and Al... morelie by far tugged at my heartstrings the most and their story was such a simple one-yet touching beyond belief. This books really makes you think about time. The past, the present, the future. What's changed and how things used to be. What will they be? People can't live forever, but they also shouldn't squander the time they have. It made me laugh and it made me cry and by the end it was one big jumbled pot of feelings. I happened to pick this up right around New Years, which I think made it all the more impactful. I had not realized the slight irony in my decision till Dor was turned to Father Time, and New Years became a focal point for our characters. Either way, a nice coincidence. It was a short story compared to many, but gave quite a punch in message. Sometimes, less really is more.
review 2: Irony: Breezing through a novel titled 'The Time Keeper'.I found Albom's style of writing too simple and straight forward to begin with and I was convinced after finishing 2/3 rd of it that I would regret putting this on my list to read but the last 20 pages or so changed my opinion.I am going to dissect this one in parts and rate it separately - story- 6.8/10, style of writing - 2.3/10 (I am being generous), plot composition - 5.6, style of the narrative - 5.2. Overall rating - 6.1/10 less
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I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads. I did not realize what a treasure I was reading until the very end. I am so impressed with the way this was written, and what a meaning for us all! Dor is an excellent time keeper and guide through this book. I am so glad he got to be with Alli at the end. Sarah and Victor are so typical of people now. Time is so precious, and we waste so much of it. This book with be at the top of my favorites forever. RECOMMENDING!
This is one of my fav books this book is for all ages. The time keeper is a old man trapped in a underground cave and he is trying to get out. For parents to this book does have a part that talks about teens drinking together does nothing bad happens only some kissing so just a warning for parents that do not like there kids reading that stuff but the part is quick. other than that this book is very adventurous and fun to read it is a easy read to.
Good book. Quick read.
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