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The Girl In The Road (2014)

by Monica Byrne(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 3
0804138842 (ISBN13: 9780804138840)
review 1: The surreal story about losing yourself, and finding yourself. Meena and Mariama, two young women from opposite ends of the world and experience tell an interesting, intertwined tale that begins, for both, with a snakebite. I had the major plot twist figured out about midway through the book, but it was handled well. This book deals with loss, sexuality, futurism, religion, culture, and mental health.
review 2: Oddly, I liked this book less and less as I progressed. It's starts off as what appears to be an exciting, futuristic adventure, but then eventually disintegrates into very confusing surrealism. It was definitely an interesting and compelling read, and I was so exited to find a sci-fi novel (if you could call it sci-fi?) in which the main characters were
... more women of color and the setting was non- western! By the end of the book, however, it became very difficult to understand exactly what was going on, things became rather gruesome and dark, and I was left feeling a little queasy. It's worth a read for sure, but if you have difficulty with graphic violence, themes of mental illness, and macabre sexual imagery, then the last third of this book may be a struggle for you. less
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Am finding it impossible to rate. Devoured in two days, this book will cut you.
And imaginative mind-bender.
Holy crap, read this book.
2.75 stars
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