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When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat (2008)

by Muriel Harris Weinstein(Favorite Author)
4.13 of 5 Votes: 3
0811851311 (ISBN13: 9780811851312)
Chronicle Books
review 1: A young girl is entranced as her mother begins to dance and scat to Jazz legend Louis Armstrong. She learns that scat is a form of nonsense talking in music. In her dreams Louis teaches her how to scat about her favorite thing: bubble gum. She takes her knowledge of scat to school the next day and teaches it to her friends.A great introduction to scat. The pictures are alive with scat sequences running through them.
review 2: This historical fiction picturebook is intended for children ages birth to 8 years(N-P). After a night of singing and dancing to a Louis Armstrong recording with her mother, a little girl falls in love with scat and dreams of scatting with the legend.I gave this book 4 stars. I enjoyed reading the rhythm and rhyme. This is one groovy book.
... more The text reads like spoken word poetry. And while there was no music playing, I couldn't help bobbing my head a little as I read. Children in the targeted age group will definitely enjoy this book and want to learn more about scat and jazz.In a classroom setting I would have students pick words from a hat and try to write scats about them.This book is available in print. less
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This is a wonderful book for any age. I love reading it to my young nieces and nephews.
GREAT book. So much fun to read. All you folks with little ones need to track it down!
Magical book.
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