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Tolstoy And The Purple Chair: My Year Of Magical Reading (2011)

by Nina Sankovitch(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 2
0061999849 (ISBN13: 9780061999840)
review 1: Most Goodreads reviewers seem to either give this five stars or one star revealing a love/hate relationship with this book. This is a pleasant wandering through all types of titles, and how they touched the life of this author as she was struggling with the death of a sister. She probably does spend too much time bringing up her sister's death repeatedly, yet her family's interesting story is revealed in bits and pieces as she explores different authors. People who love to read will find new titles to explore, even though it is unlikely they will be fully inspired to read a book each day as Nina Sankovitch did. The most important take-away is that books speak to people, and move them in ways that can't be predicted. As a dedicated reader, it left me feeling validated for m... morey love of books.
review 2: Loved this book. I started reading it soon after I finished Sankovitch's other book (Signed, Sealed, Delivered). This book has much of the same format. The author is devastated by the death of her sister. She finally decides to take a year off from her everyday life and commits herself to reading a book a day and then writing a report on it. She does this each day for a year. Sankovitch not only discusses her immediate family, but goes back in history to her immigrant parents' lives in WWII Europe. I became utterly engrossed in the whole story. At the end of the book the author supplies a list of the books that she read during her year of reading a book a day. less
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I enjoyed this story, and enjoyed the brief comments author shared on books she has read.
Muita força de vontade foi necessária para chegar ao fim deste livro-tédio.
Great book for lovers of books, memoirs and the human spirit.
good narrative
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