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17 & Gone (2013)

by Nova Ren Suma(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 5
0525423400 (ISBN13: 9780525423409)
Dutton Juvenile
review 1: Maybe it's because I'm used to action novels, but this book just... dragged, and no amount of elegant prose could make it go faster. A struggle to finish, although it got better near the end. I didn't care for Lauren, who had this annoying habit of summarizing what someone did or said without actually having dialogue. As well, (*spoiler*) I suspected she was schizophrenic from close to beginning, so that wasn't a surprise. The entire time she was having her psychotic break it felt like a blanket was muffling the story, due to her unreliable narration and point of view, which was intentional, but it just made the story feel disconnected.
review 2: I read this book in one sitting. The moment I started reading, I knew I couldn't stop. This author, Nova Ren Suma is
... more truly amazing. I must read her other book Imaginary Girls. Anyway, this book was a psychological thriller if I could describe it in one phrase. It had a touch of eerie ness that will probably haunt me for the next couple of days. This book definitely deserves a 5 star review, the disturbing books get me every time. less
Reviews (see all)
Nice plot twist at the end but "overly written". My eyes kept crossing from the prose style.
it took a while to get going, but once it did... man. i'm so glad i stuck with it.
Good book about early-onset schizophrenia
gripping and gorgeous.
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