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The Iridescence Of Birds: A Book About Henri Matisse (2014)

by Patricia MacLachlan(Favorite Author)
4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
1596439483 (ISBN13: 9781596439481)
Roaring Brook Press
review 1: A picture book introduction to Matisse for young readers, focusing on the sights, colors and patterns Matisse would have seen as a child. His mother painted plates and decorated with bright colors; silks were woven in his hometown; and his father gave him pigeons as a child (he kept birds throughout his life -- an afterword by the author notes that he left his birds to Picasso). Illustrations at the end depict some of Matisse's better know masterpieces.
review 2: In engaging prose and through lovely illustrations created using relief printmaking and digital techniques, the author and illustrator provide insight into the influences on artist Henri Matisse. The importance of is mother is made quite clear as she added color to his life. The family lived in somewha
... moret dreary conditions, but the woman painted plates to brighten up the walls and encouraged him to notice the iridescence of the birds that filled the streets and the air. This approach, while not the typical scholarly examination of an artist's formative years, works quite effectively, and in a sense, provides far more insight into this talented artist than other, more weighty tomes might. This is an excellent title for inclusion in a biography collection on artists. less
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Specific words to match particular backdrops make this book work of art unto itself.
Great primer for the young artist, Henri Matisse's art is so colorful!
A beautiful, rich, poetic portrait of the nurturing of creativity.
the butler for colors, birds, and still-life themes
Just didn't love this book...
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