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Merely Magic (2011)

by Patricia Rice(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 2
1402251939 (ISBN13: 9781402251931)
Sourcebooks Casablanca
review 1: Merely Magic by Patricia Rice Historical Romance - March 1st, 20113 starsNinian is a witch, the last Malcolm to stay in the village Wystan. Even though she has watched over the villagers and healed those who were sick, Ninian has never been one of them. Instead she’s an outsider as the people will never forget that she’s a Malcolm - a witch. After generations of neglect, Lord Drogo Ives, the earl who owned the land, shows up out of the blue to stay at the castle. Drogo wants to leave London and his crazy family behind for a few days and enjoy some peace and quiet. However, when Drogo sees Ninian, he can’t help but be attracted to her. But, legend says that whenever an Ives mates with a Malcolm, disaster strikes. Can that possibly be true?A charming story populated by... more unconventional characters, Merely Magic is a light, fun read. The only problem is that Ninian is a little too quirky for me. The chemistry between Ninian and Drogo is a little unbelievable as Drogo is a practical, straightforward person and Ninian is the complete opposite. Still, Merely Magic is an interesting story with fascinating twists and turns. Fans of Patricia Rice and new readers alike will be delighted by Ninian’s eccentric personality.Reviewed by Pauline from the Bookaholics Romance Club
review 2: Logic and emotion collide in Patricia Rice's rich Georgian paranormal MERELY MAGIC, a story of the importance of being true to oneself and of letting people live their own lives.Malcolm women and Ives men do not mix. Sequestered in her isolated little village, healer and empath Ninian, one of the long line of Malcolm witches, has never met an Ives. And then Drogo, the long-absent Earl of Ives, arrives at his castle. The uber-responsible slave to logic Drogo is taking a break from picking up the pieces after his maddeningly flighty family's antics. Never did either Ninian or Drogo expect the immediate and overpowering attraction that blasts them when they meet. But passion has its own logic, and these two supposedly mismatched people wed. Ninian is terrified she might lose herself under the onslaught of Drogo's potent masculinity. Drogo is terrified of becoming like all the other male Ives, who destroyed their marriages while siring numerous bastards. And he doesn't believe in witches.MERELY MAGIC takes you on a wild emotional ride in this complex, riveting tale of the mind-numbing fear and towering passion involved when opposites attract. Written in Ms. Rice's signature style that seamlessly combines emotion and action, the story sweeps you along with a varied cast of characters who are true to their time, and yet timeless. I especially like Ninian's and Drogo's wedding ceremony, where Drogo must vow equality with his wife. Equality with a woman in Georgian England? What a cork-brained idea.First in Ms. Rice's "Magic" series, MERELY MAGIC sets the scene for the continuing saga of the Malcolm witches. I can't wait for the next story.ARC provided by Sourcebooks less
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Not my cup of tea, I just couldn't care about the characters.
Totally did not connect with the characters.
She is definitely a master story teller.
Sourcebooks deal, .99 on Kindle.
On sale 10/28/11 for 99 cents.
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