Books: 21 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.94
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Patrick Carman

3.92 of 5 Votes: 3
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Books by Patrick Carman
3 Below (2012)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Floors #2 by Patrick Carman was not as good as Floors #1, but was still reasonable. It had some exciting parts to it, but didn't nearly strike me quite as magical as the first one. I'm still looking forward to reading the next one, though. Leo owns a hotel named the Whippet, whic...
Floors (2011)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This was promised as a cross between Ellen Raskin's superb The Westing Game and Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Sadly, it didn't have the flat-out cleverness of the former or the magic of the latter.That said, my kids (5 and 8) loved it. No matter how far-fetched ...
Eve of Destruction (2012)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I loved this sequel and I'm sad to see the books end, but this one combined with the original Dark Eden and the short story (that I definitely recommend buying/reading for only .99 on Amazon)! This one is a lot different than Dark Eden because it has a different premise - most of...
Tremor (2014)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: In Carman’s second book of the Pulse Trilogy, he continues the excitement. The romance between Faith and Dylan is ongoing, but they must focus on saving the east and west states from the three other second pulses that use their power of telekinesis for evil. Faith spends some tim...
Thirteen Days to Midnight (2010)
4 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Thirteen Days to Midnight by Patrick Carman is a novel about a teenage boy named Jacob who has moved through the foster care system for most of his life before he is taken in by Mr. Fielding. Mr Fielding is a caring, but undemanding, host and the two gentlemen relish their Satur...
The Dark Planet (2009)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I chose this book because of the title and the summary about it. Earth has become a dark, polluted planet and one boy, who was made by a scientist, starts a cycle that would clean the Earth and make it safe to go outside. He and around a thousand others had escaped to a planet cr...
The Black Circle (2009)
4 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Dan and Amy continue their search for the for the next clue.Dan and Amy leave their hotel to find the next clue and run into trouble with Ian and Natalie Kabra.Dan and Amy get tagged by Ian and Natalie Kabra to the airport but Dan and Amy manage to as escape and find a box that h...
Skeleton Creek (2009)
3.3 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I was not prepared for the level of scary in the videos. I mean, I'm not really a horror person, but I thought, a fourth grade level book, should be fine, right? Nope - I almost through my computer across the room at the end of the second video. That aside, I really enjoyed how t...
Floors #2: 3 Below (2012)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I found this a very fun book. This type of book would appeal to fans of Percy Jackson, The 39 Clues, and even those fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. The craziness of this hotel and its owners is something that every kid would enjoy. I found kids could relate to this easily e...
Strengstens verboten - Willkommen im Hotel Whippet (2012)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: My thought of the book Floors was that it kept me on edge. It was adventurous and suspenseful. The Book was about this kid named Leo that is the maintenance man for a hotel called the Whippet. Leo was best friends with the hotels manager and the manager disappeared one day and Le...
Shantorian (2011)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: The sequel to Trackers #1, this book continues to circle around the expert cyber tracker, as he and his friends accepted the offer to join Lazlo's private cyber investigation group. Their goal is to catch the cyber villain, Shantorian with their high-tech technology, and outstand...
Treize jours avant minuit (2013)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Blah.. That about sums it up. Stay away!
review 2: I read this during my spare. I breezed through it. It was alright. 2.5
Rivers of Fire (2008)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: this is a great book that really show how people can work together to survive.the story really kept me in suspension when Edgar was climbing away from raging waves that were sinking the highlands and when his friends were inside the inferno.There was a sad part to the story that ...
El planeta oscuro (2010)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: The Dark PLanet, by Patrick Carman, is a very interesting book, full of great descriptions and action. The main character, Edgar, has to face beings made by his creator, Dr. Harding. For you see, Edgar was not born, but made. Edgar is faced with constant plot twists leading him t...
Der dunkle Planet (2012)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: ::sigh:: I kept saying it wasn't the narrators fault that I didn't like this book, but now I'm not so sure. I couldn't finish this one and I don't intend to. I'd really like to know how the story ends, which means it should be a good story right? But I can't seem to connect with ...
Skeleton Creek. Patrick Carman (2010)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I like this book because there are videos that can help you understand what is happening and that can give you more clues to what the answer to the mystery is. I also like this story because it’s a journal. I think that the author’s writing is really good because it gives us more...
Trackers Book 2: Shantorian (2011)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I've just finished reading the book Shantorian, the second book of the Tracker's series, by Patrick Carmen. This book is the continuation of the first Trackers book about Adam Henderson, the leader of the Trackers team. Adam is convicted of stealing billions of dollars from banks...
Atherton. Die Flüsse des Feuers (2012)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I liked it and the best part was when tabletop and gone level with the flatlands and the cleaners got got of the flatlands and went around eating everything. Another good part was when Dr.Kincaid,Vincent,Smauel,and Isabell were in the inferno and samuel made this amazing jump to ...
The Crossbones (2010)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Another chilling installment in the Skeleton Creek series. Not *quite* as exciting as the first two books, and I found Ryan a bit of a wet blanket and rather whiny for about the first 2 thirds of the book. That said, he is still a strong and mostly likeable character, and in this...
Floors #3: The Field of Wacky Inventions (2013)
4.08 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: The Field of Wacky Inventions – A Floors Novel by Patrick Carman – Trilogy complete and what a wild ride Patrick Carman delivers to his readers! I really enjoyed the originality of each of the books in the trilogy and this finale was quite fun. In this book you start off with the...
Things That Go Bump in the Night (3:15 Season One) (2011)
3.63 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This book is made up of 10 different scary stories. You can listen to the introduction, read the story, and watch the end in a video at of the stories were a little scary and freaky, but others were a little boring. Our favorite stories were the Hook, The Lift...
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