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The Stories We Tell (2014)

by Patti Callahan Henry(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 5
1250040310 (ISBN13: 9781250040312)
St. Martin's Press
review 1: This is a quick read about a family whose secrets come to light after a man and his sister-in-law are in a car accident. It focuses on the wife, Eve, as she tries to piece together what really happend that night. Henry has a beautiful writing style...some of her sentences are just gorgeous. (Is that a weird thing to say?) And the ending wasn't quite as cliche and obvious as I thought it was going to be.
review 2: Patti Callahan Henry is one of my favorite authors and this book was just as good as usual. The book opens with an accident involving the main character, Eve's, husband and sister. They were not supposed to be together and a secret slowly starts to unravel. I have to say that the reason that they are unexpectedly together is not the obvious one. I didn
... more't truly know the whole story until the final pages of the book. I liked the letter printing aspect of the story. I also liked the way that Eve mended her relationships with various people in her life. I look forward to reading the rest of Henry's work and am pretty sure it's safe to auto-buy her books from now on! less
Reviews (see all)
Predictable, yet a pleasant easy read for when you don't want to work.
liked it. can't currently remember it. about marriage I think
Average writing- I enjoyed it, but was not enthralled.
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