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Tom Waits. Il Fantasma Del Sabato Sera (2011)

by Paul Maher Jr.(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 3
8875214441 (ISBN13: 9788875214449)
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review 1: This was a pretty darn good interview book. It sure doesn't have a lack of interviews and other writings that involve Mr. Waits. It goes in chronological order starting with 'Closing Time' and ending with 'Orphans'. You really get to see the evolution of his character; from the up and coming artist being booed at Zappa shows to the mysterious beat gutter poet and on to the still mysterious family man. If you're looking into some more insight into the Cult artis Tom Waits, this is a pretty good book to read.
review 2: I am so very glad I took a long time to read this. It allowed me to appreciate the interviews and their content without becoming bogged down by repetition of questions and pat answers. After all, there are certain stock questions that are going t
... moreo occur when a series of music journalists interview a musician in rapid succession upon the release of a new album.Waits says that vocabulary is his main instrument, and he plays it brilliantly; there are masterful gems of vocabulary acrobatics to be found throughout the collection. I appreciate the archival value of this book and I am very happy to have found it. I hope it will allow others to discover the wit and wisdom of Mr. Waits for decades to come. less
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Great interviews. Tom Waits is a wealth of random information and facts.
"Sono solo una voce che qualcuno ha messo in giro".
Another inbetweener. I love this man so much.
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