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Get A Life, Not A Job: Do What You Love And Let Your Talents Work For You (2010)

by Paula Caligiuri(Favorite Author)
2.9 of 5 Votes: 1
0137058497 (ISBN13: 9780137058495)
FT Press
review 1: A roadmap that outlines real steps to take to figure out how to have a "career" that you enjoy and excel in being a productive well rounded member of society. Simple, but good advice on all areas of career development and having a "life" and not a "job" - not just about finding something you like to do, but also how to continue your development, work towards security (professionally and financially), as well as improve your well-being (for work AND life). Plus - she talks about the importance of mindfulness! I couldn't not approve of this book. I also enjoyed the realistic approach, in that you have to do the work. You have to actually think through the exercises and use them in order to take your career into your own hands and own it. So, despite its simplicity, this is n... moreot something to just read and forget in a few hours - to get the full benefit you need to actually work at the exercises and steps. Like anything in life that is worth doing it may be simple, but it's not easy.
review 2: Things like that "book" make me livid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found it at the amazon-free-ebook-list, so let me please state very clear: I did not pay money for this book, but I feel cheated nonetheless. Actually, it is not a "book". A book - each book - has a beginning, a middle and an end: fiction-books a story, non-fiction-books a cohesive text presenting a non-fictional topic in a harmonious, coherent and "rounded" way. This is just a part of a book, an excerpt (parts taken out of the first two chapters from seven total I think). Again a clear statement: I have no problems whatsoever with getting parts/ samples of a book to decide if I want to buy it "for real"; in fact I think that's a great marketing strategy, and I have truckloads full of "samples" of books I might be interested in on my Kindle to check them out. But that's the point: They are clearly named "sample", and that makes a whole lot of a difference! Most are far shorter than this excerpt, but when I start to read them, I know what I am reading: a SAMPLE. I don't start the book and get in the mood and suddenly find myself glancing at the abrupt and totally confusing end of the text and ask myself what the heck is wrong - going back to amazon to check and find somewhere in the description the very small information "excerpt". If they would have clearly called it what it is - told "excerpt", "sample" in the booktitle where you can see it at once - I would have checked it out and might even have bought it. If the title would have given any kind of hint, I would have been completely happy to check it out and then decide how to proceed. THIS "book" feels like cheating: I downloaded a book and didn't get one. No stars, no buy, me not a happy camper. less
Reviews (see all)
Interesting perspective. Good points about the "new" economy that we and our youth are entering...
This book has helped me think about multi-track options for my career and life.
Good book. provides much perspective.
Don't read it.
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