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Evangelii Gaudium. Exhortación Apostólica La Alegría Del Evangelio (2013)

by Pope Francis(Favorite Author)
4.57 of 5 Votes: 5
Ediciones Palabra
review 1: The Pope tells it like it is and what our life should be like in this wonderful first writing to the public. In the book he alerts us to what God expects from us as children of His creation. The Pope feels there is so much more we need to do for our fellow human beings. We need to strive harder to be a loving neighbor to everyone and uplift those in need. The New Evangelization is upon us and Pope Francis is calling us to serve.
review 2: I did not enjoy the format of this book. I also have a hard time fully getting on the Pope Francis bandwagon. Yes he is a much needed improvement over the last 2 popes but the Roman Catholic church has such a long way to go that it's hard to want to stay the course. I read this for a small faith sharing group. I would not
... more have read it on my own. I did like that the book was very scriptural. RC's can fall short on scripture. less
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Fantastic, a clear vision for the future of the Church and its encounter with the world.
One of the greatest documents about the catholic religion written by Pope Francis.
Especially liked chapter 2
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