‘X’ marks the spot

Well I have been back riding officially for a few months now, and what an eventful few months it has been!


Me after working hard

The ‘walking sofa’ Mickey, was a perfect gent for me the first couple of lessons.  Then we started to have some “fun”, for want of a better word.  Mickey was getting fitter, at a faster rate than me. With his greater fitness he seemed to become more “alive” and was looking for a reason to spook, as they do. Well this post sums it up:

“Another lesson on Mickey this aft, which included a stylish dismount! Yes I fell off. I got asked what did I land on – er the floor! I did get back on and ride him, it had been my fault after all. It hurt a bit, but not as bad as I feared. Aching now tho. ffs.”

From that moment on Mickey and I became at odds.  I felt not ready for a horse as strong as that, and Mikey needed someone confident on him as we were starting to spook at electric gates, bikes, motorbikes accelerating (that was a fun one cos we accelerated too – but I stayed on that time), horse boxes blah blah blah.  Thankfully, all while in the outdoor school, he hacks out brilliantly though.

Mickey & me

We tried numerous tactics to address my faults and his cheekiness. However, after a particular lesson where we started to make some progress, but then developed a tendency to buck I finally said to Lisa my instructor, enough was enough.  Mickey and I were just winding each other up and it was becoming ever decreasing circles.  As Lisa said “If it isn’t fun, it isn’t right”.  We were supposed to be building my confidence back up and rehabilitation after injury.  A new plan was hatched.

Meet my ginger knight in shining armour – Jack.  An ex race horse who I have found I can give my trust too, and is very forgiving.

A couple of aids like toe stops ( I had one fall where I slipped forward and struggled to get my foot out of the stirrups) to lend me confidence and we are up and running.

Between Lisa and this gentle, very patient horse I am now back cantering lots, and jumping.  Only small jumps but hey it’s a start and my smile is back.

Tiggi x












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