“Her One and Only” by Becky Wade

The fourth and final book in the Porter Family Series.

A muffled popping noise burst through the restaurant, followed by the ping of breaking glass.

Dru reacted instantly. She was out of her chair and immediately launching herself into his side. They both went over. Gray had just enough time to catch his fall with his hand before the rest of his weight landed on his shoulder and thigh. Dru came down on top of him. His chair crashed to the floor.
Had that been a gunshot?”

Her One and Only by Becky Wade

Ten years the junior of her three brothers, Dru’s story happens eight years after the first book (“Unbelievably Yours” is Bo & Meg’s story), and ties up some loose ends in the love stories of the first three Porters. Mainly in focus, is Meg  & Bo’s high-risk pregnancy.

Ty was an unruly blend of of cocky charm and willfulness. Jake was overprotective of his wife and about as much fun as a funeral. Bo, though. The things about Bo that Dru had once considered dull, she now appreciated. He was a great combination of subtle humor and steady courage.

“Her One and Only” by Becky Wade

Dru Porter works in the only line of work one can imagine her: as an Executive Protection Agent. She is hired to protect Gray Fowler from his disturbed, and possibly dangerous stalker.

Dru, ever trying to prove she is just as strong/fast/smart as her older brothers/the rest of the world, learns that she is enough in God.

Gray Fowler is a successful football player. Leaving behind his abusive childhood, he has made his own way in life and fully believes he has put the past behind him. Until he learns that God is the only one who gives power to truly forgive.


What I loved:

  • I loved that Dru’s faith doesn’t hinder her tough-girl status, but rather allows her to broach tough subjects with Gray from the start.
  • The party culture referenced in the book is neither dwelt on, nor encouraged. And for me, I can say that I love the fact that Gray does not live a classic Christian lifestyle (whatever that looks like) at the start of the book. I love that his story is one of redemption. Our need for Christ is the same regardless of what our particular sins are.
  • If you don’t feel like you need any sleep, this book is particularly good if started in the evening, enabling  you to stay up reading by the screen light of your cell phone, while the rest of the world snores around you.

“…He gave her a lopsided smile. “Everybody who’s from Mullins, Texas, is a Christian.” “I was raised in church, Gray. If you’d asked me during my wildest phases if I was a Christian, I’d have told you I was. But there was a disconnect there.” “You’re judging me.” “No, I’m calling it like it is, unlike most of the people you know, who would all agree with you if you said the sky is red.””

“Her One and Only” by Becky Wade


Some thoughts from Becky Wade about “Her One And Only”. The rest of the interview can be found here:


Have you seen those adorable photos on Pinterest of older brothers standing in a circle around a tiny baby sister swaddled in pink? The boys are typically holding up little blackboards that say something along the lines of, “Don’t mess with her!” or “The Queen has arrived.”

I’m from a family of daughters, so I was fascinated by the idea of three brothers followed years later by one sister. I wondered what that much younger, only daughter might be like. How might her personality be impacted by her three rough-and-tumble older brothers? Her One and Only is my answer to those questions.


I love Dru Porter’s courage. She is very, very brave.


The reassurance that no matter what happened in our lives yesterday or last year or during our childhood, God stands ready to do a new thing in us today. In Him, we can let go of the past and embrace the now.

Buy “Her One and Only” here!

Becky’s a California native who attended Baylor University, met and married a Texan, and settled in Dallas.  She published historical romances for the general market before putting her career on hold for several years to care for her three children.  When God called her back to writing, Becky knew He meant for her to turn her attention to Christian fiction.  She loves writing funny, modern, and inspirational contemporary romance!  She’s the Carol Award, INSPY Award, and Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award winning author of My Stubborn Heart, the Porter Family series, and the Bradford Sisters Romance series (Book #1 is currently out, Book #2 is coming soon!)

Read more about Becky Wade on her website. Also: her newsletter is seriously the best.

Disclaimer: I received a free review copy of “Her One and Only” from Bethany House Publishing.

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