People ask how mediums speak with the Spirit Realm. There are various ways of communication… can hear, one can sense touch or smell, even taste. One can take on the physical ailments of the departed……though very uncomfortable, the sensations of pain or injury pass once one clears herself of the communication.
For instance, there are certain buildings in Gettysburg, where my home is, that once I enter, I feel the point of pain where a soldier was wounded. When I leave the building, the pain subsides instantly.
The easiest way I can describe a spirit speaking…….for both humans and animals, is as if one is reading to oneself.
The reader hears the words in her head, the thoughts come through in some magickal connection of the eyes and brain……Perhaps in mediumship, that communication extends to a connection with the soul.
I will see images, sense feelings, perceive thoughts as if I were reading from a diary.
People come to me for many reasons……….
They wish answers,………definite, exact answers.
When will they meet their soul mate, what will he look like….where will they find him?
The departed don’t wish to answer these questions. They have lived their mortal lives, now they wish for others to live theirs……
The ones left behind must forge their own paths, make their own wrong turns.
What do spirits wish to tell? Mostly love, forgiveness, a message that only the living would understand to let them know they still watch, listen, share important moments in the lives of those loved and left behind.
Sessions with the departed bring comfort, awareness, and hopefully enlightenment and faith in the concept that energy never dies………..
If any medium promises to give you answers to specific questions about your future, I would make your future be as far from that medium as possible.
If a medium tells you that the conversation should continue on to several sessions……continue on your path away from his or her door.
A wounded heart is a heart easily taken advantage of……..keep your heart open, but also keep your eyes open to any leading questions that will provide a source of information.
I only ask for a name and a photo. I do not ask any questions, I never promise to have all the answers, and I do not look into grieving eyes that provide clues as my sessions are done entirely through email …….I just promise to be the channel for any messages they wish to convey. ~~~~ Shirl
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