(Belated) ARC Review – Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai

My weekend totally got away from me, but here it is! My review of the second in the Forbidden Hearts series! And, if you can believe it, I loved this one even more than I loved the first one, so that’s a thing that happened. And I’m super excited to share this new-found love with you. Because I really love this book. So much.

Immediately after the events in Hate to Want You, Sadia Ahmed is mad at her friend Livvy for leaving without saying anything. In Wrong to Need You, Sadia is floundering after the long-time cook in the family cafe retires, and her own cooking isn’t cutting it with customers. Jackson Kane, Livvy’s twin brother, knows he should leave town, but he’s mad at Livvy for running away with Nicholas too and he wants to stick around for her return. Also… he’s always had feelings for Sadia that he’s kept to himself, but now that she’s alone after his brother’s (her husband’s) death, he can’t stay away from her. And he just so happens to be a world-renown chef. So he takes over in the kitchen of the cafe bearing his family’s name, and Sadia is both mad at him for years of not communicating with her and is happy he’s there to help.

But it turns out that things aren’t so simple. They have feelings for each other, but Sadia can’t stomach being with her late husband’s estranged brother. Or maybe she wants it too, but her sense of loyalty to her late husband is what’s getting in the way. Her feelings are all confused. And Jackson – fiercely loyal Jackson – isn’t the person she always thought he was.

Would it ever work out between them? YOU’LL HAVE TO READ THE BOOK (please read it, it’s the best).

3 Things I Loved
  • JACKSON. I loved Jackson in the first book in the series and he’s even better, more well-rounded, in the second one. I love him I love him I love him. He’s so good.
  • Sadia. I loved her in the first book too, and she is also an even stronger character in this one. And they’re together in this one! Oh, it’s so glorious.
  • How grief was handled. The whole family, really – but mostly Sadia – is still dealing with the grief of Paul Kane dying suddenly. It’s a plot point in this book, but it’s more than that – it’s simply Sadia’s life now, it’s how she goes through the day to day. It’s how she talks to her son. It’s in every scene of the book. And it’s done so well. Oh, this book is so good.
  • Dislikes/Problematic Content

    Again, I didn’t notice anything inherently problematic in this book at all. Alisha Rai did a very good job of being inclusive, and Sadia is a known bisexual character in this book (suspected in the first one too). She is also Pakistani-American and some of her sister’s wear hijabs and Jackson is half Japanese and half Hawaiian and he teaches Sadia’s son about his heritage and it’s all so good. So no. There was nothing problematic that I picked up on in this book. (It’s so good.)


    A reminder of the rating scale:

    • Red = DNF, I hated everything
    • Orange = Ugh, no thank you
    • Yellow = I mean, I’ve read worse, but there were problems
    • Green = This was good! 
    • Blue = Oh my gosh, I loved this book!
    • Purple = This is the unicorn of books and I will be rereading it until the binding falls apart and EVERYONE should be reading it!

    Oh, I don’t know if I can express my love for this book BUT it is an erotic romance, and I know those aren’t for everyone. So I’m going to give Wrong to Need You a BLUE rating because I want everyone who appreciates the genre to love on this book so hard.

    Thank you to the publisher and to Edelweiss for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. And sorry it took me so long to post this! I read it the week it was released and was slow at writing the review. But I loved it and have already purchased my own copy. ❤

    Has anyone else read this book? Did you love it like I did?

    Happy reading!


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