#T5W Top Five Wednesday – July 12th, 2017

(Sorry for not doing the last MONTH of these, I’d always remember about it really late in the week or forget about it completely. I’ve been super busy with extra-curricular stuff.)

Top 5 Wednesday was originally created by Lainey, but is now hosted by Sam. Every week, specifically on Wednesday, book reviewers are given a topic (about books) and have to respond with their top 5 books/elements from books that relate to said topic. Click this to join or learn more about the Top 5 Wednesday group on Goodreads.

Okay, so this week’s topic is: Top 5 Children’s/Middle Grade Books

(PS: I’m not putting these in order from wanting to read most to least or vice versa)

5. Matilda by Roald Dahl

To be honest, I read all of Roald Dahl’s children’s books and loved them all. Matilda just stood out a tiny bit more for me.

4. The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani

I loved this book. I never ended up continuing to the next book in the trilogy, for unknown reasons, but it’s super well written. I should actually reread this.

3. The Goddess Girls Series by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams

I don’t know if it’s because I’m Greek, but any book that includes Greek mythology is a fantastic read for me. (Like the Percy Jackson series). It’s a great concept of introducing Greek Gods and Goddesses in a fun to read way.

2. The Tales of Pixie Hollow Series by multiple authors

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this series a lot on this blog. These were some of the first books I read on my own, so they have a special place in my heart. I also had a bit of an addiction to everything Disney Fairies as a kid.

1. Judy Moody Series by Megan McDonald

This series was really entertaining and I loved it. That’s pretty much all I remember about it, other than that she called her brother Stink.


That’s it for this Wednesday, what do you think? What would be your Top 5? Let me know in the comments!

– Dem!

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