0.7 – The many faces of sims!

Welcome back to another chapter of the Ragsdale Alphabetcy! We’re still on the founder generation… because I’m a slow person that love to take to many pictures… meh. Anyhow, last time the family was miserable and I was about to lose my shit. Athena also grew into a toddler and Adalynn was a menace. Candy got promoted and Cayden was just…. Cayden. That’s about it, otherwise you might go and read the previous chapter. So let us go back to the Ragsdale family and see what happens this time children!

Cayden is cooking. That is what’s happening right now. Hi Cayden.

Cayden: I don’t want to cut my fingers so… go away.

The love is to great for me to handle there Cayden, slow down with the affection.

Candy is still pregnant and hopefully she’ll give birth soon. I can’t wait to see if we’ll get a boy or girl. I do hope it’s a boy, would be a nice change of pace, you know. I think that Candy is currently helping Adalynn on the potty. Being miserable.

And apparently the toilet is broken, because I failed to noticed that earlier! WOAH! Cayden fix.

Cayden off-screen: … Fine. Don’t show any concern for your founders well-being. Not at all mad… no, no.

Cayden: … And then I was like, CAABOOW! And he went down like that! Just like that!!

Candy: … You do miss having a computer, don’t you?

…. That’s why it sucks being a poor sim.

And then Adalynn came and wanted a hug from mom, but no…. Candy did not want to give hugs today… Heartless.

Candy: Sorry hun, but mommy needs to not break her back.

Adalynn: *No love at all*

Should Candy really be drinking that Cayden?

Cayden: It’s just juice.

Yeah right…. just “juice”.

Candy: Ah… nothing like some juice in the morning, am I right honey?

Her belly is getting so big! I do hope there’s a boy in there. Would be nice with some change, even though she gave birth to the two cute toddlers we have running around.

And you look miserable because what? … Stop looking like someone stole your candy.

Adalynn: Me want some toys.

Hush child…. you’re poor.

Then Cayden was invited over to Lorena’s how again. This time Paolo didn’t chase him away.

Cayden: Is there a possibility that I could get this house instead?! PLEASE?!

Lorena: Are you alright? Mental issues or something?

You have no idea Lorena… you have no idea….

Inside Cayden watched TV, by their very nice-looking bar…. and yes, that other lady is the fruitcake stealing lady that walked off with the cake when we began this. But that’s in the past…. right Cayden?

Cayden: I had no idea that people in movies are that stupid! HE’S RIGHT BEHIND YOU JACKASS!

After a short while over there, with not much interesting happening… Cayden went back home.

… Cayden? You’re okay buddy?

Cayden: So this is what hell feels like… I don’t think I have a nose left.

Athena was not amused by this whole situation, at all.

Athena: Hphm! Stupido.

This is what toddlers love to do, if they have no other amusement around them. And Candy could really be more helpful in this situation!

Candy: OH look at the sky Athena! It’s so pretty!

Athena: ?? Stupid.

I think that Adalynn is judging this living situation… or just simply have understood how horrible I am at this. Or hates her life, because poor. What it is… we’ll never know.

Adalynn: *Not pleased* Yogurt? No.

I swear to everything Adalynn… stop being such a… twat.

And I thought that we had left this mess behind us already. Hahaha… apparently not, so we have to suffer some more. *deduct 100 from funds*  Yeah this is taking a while. I might or might not be dead before the A generation. Wouldn’t surprise me at all.

Candy: Cayden?! Can you care for the kids?! I need a bath!

Toddlers: *Doing random shit again*

This was ages ago so…. I don’t remember much what happened here really.

My whole inside is screaming, but the outside is a calm shell… Adalynn I swear to everything… why are you so annoying?! You live to torment me or something?!

Adalynn: Hehe, me have fun. Dad clean grass.

Here we see Candy suffer being in a bad mood. Why? Probably because her life sucks and the only proper room is their bathroom. Haha…. I’m the worst player ever. When I play with this family, I do feel like that.

Athena is a cute rascal and decides that it’s highly time for her to have a bath. From her pregnant mother.

Candy: Sit still Athena, mommy needs to clean that hair of yours darling!

I love the toddlers in this game and all the interactions. It’s so cute… so adorable…

Adalynn is playing with the toy she got in the mail from Yuki! In her own mess that she created. Her clothes will become dirty… poor parents.

Oh right… Candy is giving birth again. If you couldn’t tell by the way she’s clutching her stomach, while she’s eating. And apparently the fridge is the hot spot for the family today. Not the bathroom as many other people have. Interesting….

Cayden could give zero fucks about his wife giving birth I see.

Cayden: That’s because my wife’s plate is in mine! *Cranky*

*Some seconds later*


Dude, chill out. Your wife got this under control, like the two first kids you know.

Ah and here we see a worried husband and father, taking out the trash in his new outfit. I must tell you, I do like it on him. He’s so handsome.

Cayden: Why am I taking out the trash while she’s in there, in pain?

Because you want to be useful, don’t you?

Can you stop being cute or something there Adalynn? It’s too much for my mind sometimes.

Adalynn: *Is cute and she knows it* Food…

Ah, finally it’s time for a new life to enter the world. And the third required baby too! That’s awesome. After this, we don’t really need more babies, which is nice. But if they want… who am I to judge?

Baby Boy: Yo though. Let me back in.

Candy: Cayden! We have a son!

It’s a baby boy, how cute… The first boy so far and perhaps the first of many more.

Oh look at that, no roof….

Candy: Oh hello there little darling, daddy will be so happy to see you. We all have waited for you so long.

Then who is this crybaby? … Well it’s baby #3 who was named… *Goes to check it out* Anthony! Anthony Ragsdale is a crybaby, that’s a fact. Wouldn’t be surprised if he rolled fussy or clingy… nope, not at all. Oh well, we’ll see that. And apparently I was not interested in this birth, or to busy keeping everyone alive, but I have no screenshots as reference. Or to put in this chapter. My bad, but honestly? I haven’t played this family since last year… *gasp* I have one more chapter to publish before I can play again, so hold on people! One more chapter, then more play and more chapters later.

And as usual, when the newborn baby screams at the top of his tiny lungs, the mother knows what to do; coo at them. Seriously, I thought parents in this game had a better idea what to do with their babies.

Candy: Hush little baby. Mommy don’t want you to cry, neither daddy. SO why don’t you stop crying?

Perhaps feed him? Oh wait, I can tell you that. Stupid me. And then of course, what wouldn’t a chapter without a call from Lorena be? She called Cayden, again. To go out for food as per usual…. *Whispers* I should really get other people to be Cayden’s friends.

Look at this handsome father of three! We have met one requirement for this alphabet challenge legacy, which is nice. If you don’t want Cayden, you don’t need more kids.

Cayden: I’m a family sim…. that will not happen, I love kids. Mehehe…. Now excuse me, I have to survive Lorena.

Ah a pretty chef that is a young adult…. Throwing her knives in the air, yelling food. I don’t know.

Cayden: *Trying to analyze why the heck Lorena keeps taking him out*

Lorena: *Is actually having her middle age crisis, since she’s an adult*

Me: *Thinking that she wants to woe Cayden*

And outside Yuki walked by! She looked straight into where Cayden sat too. I just had to. She’s looking (it looks like) straight at me…. not creepy that she seems to know that I exist.

They never did interact with each other on their own, so I had Cayden call someone random. I actually think it was Paolo. And Cayden had eaten before too, hence he only took coffee.

Cayden: *Dude… your wife keeps taking me out… make her staaph…*

Lorena: … He’s talking to my young, athletic husband isn’t he?

She’s a cougar… hmm…. I think I know what I want to do next time I play this savefile.

Alice: Excuse me sire, I have to go and fire one of my waiters. They’re high as a kite again.

High Waiter: Woah… is that an egg in the ceiling? Cool…. Hi mister unicorn.

The awkward silence sets… and it’s time to pay the bill and go home.

Cayden, what are you doing now?

Cayden: I’m texting. That’s what I’m doing.

But just to whom?

Cayden: … I need more friends than… her. Like a bro that is active like me!

So…. *Looks at Cayden’s relationship panel* So Paolo? You know he’s married to Lorena?

Cayden: Just let me live my life thanks, you tyrant.

Cayden went home and woah…. I really like this picture. It reminds me of his handsomeness. That smirk, that hair, that face…. damn he looks good.

Cayden: And no thanks to you.

Shut up. Don’t worry, I’ll get a sim I made into this mess… one day or another.

Somewhere in this mess Candy got a promotion! Yay. Some more money to try and build a proper house for them… hopefully, sometime in the future… soon.

Life goes back to normal as Cayden comes home; Candy finally figured out what Anthony wanted and Cayden took care of the house to the best of his abilities, before being chained going back to the bar and practice some. Don’t mind Adalynn, she’s fine just being there and playing somewhat.

Candy is a good wife to Cayden and cleans too. She takes her part in this household.

Candy: You can do this Candy, you did it for the body…. for the sexy body….

I think she’s having second thoughts about this. I wouldn’t blame her; they don’t even have a proper house.

Adalynn is being adorable while she plays with her toy, that she got from Aunt Yuki.

Athena is adorable, despite just coming from the potty. I like the independent trait on toddlers; you don’t have to have an adult for them to use the potty…. yay!

And Anthony…. he’s screaming. Again. Crybaby. Oh well, he needs a diaper change so… This time Cayden can spend some time with his son.

I never get tired watching sims with babies, or toddlers… they’re so cute! Just look at this…. oh man. So cute, too much. Good father, handsome father.

Cayden: You have to become the man of this household, protect your sisters son. You’re the only boy so far, so… no pressure son.

Anthony: *Really have no clue what daddy just said to him* Guuurggh?

I’m so happy toddlers can pick food for themselves, otherwise the social worker would have come long ago and taken the kids. And that food looks almost to big for Athena.

Adalynn is a menace again, but stops to contemplate life once more. She doesn’t seem to think about that at all, in fact, nothing at all.

Censor Gnome: That’z becauze zhe zaw my magnificent, bi-

And what is going on other place, right?!

It looks like Athena is giving her father the whatever, but all she wants is to play really.

Cayden: What are you saying? We have no roof? Yeah I know. Lucky for us, there’s no seasons yet, otherwise we all would be dead.

I didn’t take more pics of them playing, but it was cute. If you want to see it more, play yourself the game or go back to when Cayden played with Adalynn. That was cute. This too as well, so cute.

Athena just found her little brother and is not pleased about it. Now she’s the middle child too, so perhaps that’s why she doesn’t want a sibling. She will be forgotten otherwise.

Athena: Noo…. *Moopy*

Candy is painting some to bring in some cash, we need that. So probably in the future I will have her paint some more. And I think that I’ll sort of pick the heir this time around; or more like, I’ll randomize the kids name once Anthony is a toddler, or child. We’ll see when. Because I don’t even know if Anthony is their last kid… we’ll see.

We end this chapter with Athena being a menace too, making a mess on the grass. Oh boi. And there was a lot of different expressions this chapter, hence the name of this chapter, because why not? Oh well, until next time we join the Ragsdale family, take care and don’t be a menace to anyone. That’s not nice.

Cayden off-screen: Candy?! Have you seen Athena anywhere?!

Next chapter: A hero for a short time


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