3 Things That Get Me Though the Hardest of Days

Days like today – or the past 3 days – are the ones the type that make it really hard to be grateful for what I have. I am 37 weeks pregnant. I have all of the regular pregnancy woes you guys have read about before. Now I also have a prolapsed hemorrhoid – and let me tell you I have already stood up from pain 5 times trying to write this unable to get comfortable sitting. We were supposed to do the “big move” to another place yesterday. Chris is sick. I am in so much pain I can barely move. The friend with the moving truck is suddenly not answering his phone when we call. We MIGHT be able to get only a 17 foot U-Haul Sunday evening for a few hours. I am beyond stressed on top of all of this pain and being 37 weeks pregnant. It’s really hard to get through these days right now. I needed today to stop and stand back and remember how to be thankful for what I have and get through this hard set of days.

When you guys are having a hard time, I want you to remember a few things:

  • This too shall pass. This is a very small chunk of your life. You will have happy days again. Pain free days. Days with more money. Days you cherish with family and friends. Just remember that you can get through this day, this week, and this month, however long. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, however long that tunnel may seem.
  • It is not the end of the world. Remember that although it may feel like it is – it isn’t. Life moves on. Your family or friend has passed on, but they would want you to be happy. You lost your job – you will find another, maybe even better job.
  • It could be worse. You aren’t a kidnapping victim, or living in a third world country. Or maybe you are – be thankful you have your life, then. Always be thankful for what you have. If today it’s your toddler screaming bloody murder and you wish you never had the kid – stop and think – what if you child was taken away from you. You know you cherish your child. Just stop and be thankful for a few minutes. Breathe a breath of fresh air. Remember the pain will end. This part of your life will come to an end.
  • Without the bad things in life, we wouldn’t be able to be as happy as we are on the good days of life. Everything would be mundane. We must remember the happy times as we go through life. And remember – it is still perfectly normal to have a breakdown on your bad days. I have had about 3 breakdowns these past few days, and yes, they involved eating pizza in the bathtub. And, the only thing I have accomplished is one load of dishes. And that’s okay, because I am human and I have bad days too.

    Chins up, friends.

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