30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 9

Day 09 – A Book You Thought You Wouldn’t Like But Ended Up Loving

Though I’m well past my my teenage years, I still decided to purchase this book mainly because I like both its audiobook narrators (Jorjeana Marie and Jesse Bernstein). I wasn’t even familiar with Susin Nielsen. I purchased this with only skimming through the blurb and the comments, but I wasn’t disappointed. Besides the excellent narration, the plot was beautiful. I loved how smart yet innocent Stewart was and how “mature” yet innocent Ashley was.

Also, this book touched various subjects which I also transcends to adult life – family relationship, genuine friendship, frenemies, love, LGBT, social structure (albeit it’s mostly in the school setting), self acceptance, and more.

Overall, I didn’t regret picking this book up because I had a hard time moving on to my next book.


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