I love coffee. It is my favorite beverage. I don’t use cream or sugar. I just like good coffee.
But I know I can’t drink coffee all day. If I do, I’ll be over-caffeinated and massively dehydrated. You see, what my body really needs is water. Lots and lots of water. The body just functions better when hydrated, and the body fails when it doesn’t have enough.
The Bible describes our need for God in a similar way as our need for water. Psalm 42 says,
“1 As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”
Because of this, the Christian is in constant need of soul nourishment. By God’s grace, we have corporate worship, the sacraments, the scriptures, and so many other means of God’s grace. Additionally, there are a host wonderful resources (books, podcasts, etc.) which help explain and apply God’s word in our day to day lives.
In humility, this is what Gospel Rich Books hopes to provide: resources that are rich with the Gospel that feed the soul. This blog is one of the avenues by which we attempt to do this (as is our newsletter), both of which will always be free of charge.
However, we do have a brand-new monthly resource: the Gospel Rich Journal. This is a digital journal emailed directly to subscribers.
If you are a subscriber, at the beginning of the month, you will receive an email with your journal, each with articles focusing primarily on three areas: your spiritual life, your physical health, and your professional life. That covers a lot. Examples articles might be:
“Creating a Pattern of Rest in Your Busy Day”
“Prioritizing Exercise Without It Consuming Your Life”
“Practical Applications of Growing in Your Identity in Christ”
“Fighting Loneliness at Work and at Home”
These will be exclusive articles as well as works curated from prior publications. Every now and then, we might just through in a free digital copy from our Gospel Rich Books catalog.
And to say, “thanks” to our subscribers, we will include a copy of our international bestseller, “Joy in Trials”. If you have read it before, enjoy it again or even share it with a friend. All of these things cost only $2.99 a month. You can subscribe here.
If you have ideas or topics that you would like for the Gospel Rich Journal to pursue, just email our editor, Gordon Duncan, at gordon@jgordonduncan.com.
Thanks for walking with us on our journey to know Christ fully and to provide Gospel Rich publications to the world!
As always, you can find a wealth of resources online at:
The Gospel Rich Blog is www.gospelrichbooks.com
The Gospel Rich Amazon Catalog
Thanks again for taking the journey with us!
Gospel Rich Books
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