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Love Finds You In Lonesome Prairie, Montana (2009)

by Tricia Goyer(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 3
1935416294 (ISBN13: 9781935416296)
Summerside Press
review 1: I've decided that one of my reading goals was to make my way through the Love Finds You series and today's book is No#2 as I had read Love Finds You in Martha's Vineyard. What I love about the Love Finds You series, is that it all depends on the author whether the setting be contemporary like Melody Carlson's Martha Vineyard or a Historical fiction like Tricia Goyer's Lonesome Prairie. In Lonesome Prairie, we first meet Julia Cavanaugh, she has been a help and like a mother to the children in the orphanage especially Shelby and Bea. When their headmistress announces that she is getting married , the girls are being shipped off onto the Orphan Trains. Julia accompanies them to the town of Big Sandy and then to the small-town of Lonesome Prairie in which will become Bea and ... moreShelby's new home. It seems though, that the headmistress failed to mention to Julia was that she had sold Julia to become a bride to a local gold miner Horace whom Julia does not hold any feelings for. It soon becomes apparent that the only eyes that Julia likes is the local Pastor Isaac , Isaac however is hiding a dark guilt as he has vowed never to let his heart be swayed by love as his first love Bethany was killed. Can God open Julia and Isaac eyes and heart's ready to be loved ? Has God got in store a better suited bride for Horace rather than Julia ? and for Fun, discover how the town got it's name in the introduction to the book.Another great historical installment of the Love Finds You Series and I look forward to my journey of completing the series.
review 2: I really liked the beginning and middle of this book. It had an interesting premise with an orphaned woman who had to take children on the orphan train to meet their new parents. Unbeknownst to her, she had been 'bought' as a mail order bride.I loved that idea. The problem for me started with the love interest. He was predictable and rather boring. Then there was way too much Christianese for me. I don't like it when I'm reading an interesting story and I'm suddenly slapped on the head with the Bible. It became way too sappy by the end...to the point that I was groaning very loudly every time they looked 'longingly' at something. I also didn't feel that the emergency birth was realistic. I'm sorry, but the lady would have bled to death with a bottom first birth in a wagon with no doctor; She would not be all spunky and rocking in a rocking chair just a few hours later.If you like lovey dovey Christian romance, you'll like this book. But this is only my opinion...I really did like the beginning and middle! less
Reviews (see all)
I usually can't stand this type of book. But this one was very well done and not overly sappy.
Wonderful sweet girl and a great guy so I loved it.
This was an awesome story!
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