Angel Whispers
January 8, 2018
Here are the Angel Messages for today:
Raphael: Each new day is a new beginning. What will you do today to help the world? It doesn’t have to be a huge endeavor. Perhaps you will smile at your neighbor or pick up a piece of trash on the side of the road. Maybe you will feed the hungry or give your time to the needy. Be the world you wish to create. See it, feel it, know it. Celebrate each new beginning and live your life to the fullest. Blessings upon you, Raphael.
Michael: You try so hard to do what’s right, but each person’s vision is only on themselves and their needs. What is ‘right’ for the world? You are one with all of God’s creation. Understand that each action, each thought, affects the world as a whole. Loving unconditionally is the best way to serve the ‘One’. For unconditional love is the energy of God. Blessings upon you, Michael.
Gabriel: Failure does not mean you are unworthy. All are worthy of love and the abundance of the divine. People are not perfect. If they were, then what lessons could they learn? What adventures could they experience? Be and do the best you can. Know that you are loved. We are here to help you, but you must call on us. Can you hear me now? Blessings upon you, Gabriel.
Uriel: Angels are creatures of energy. We are both male and female energy, so we do not look for a mate. That is a biological need you humans have to populate your world. You think you need the love of another to make you whole, but that is not true. You are whole and complete as you are now, a child of God. You look outside yourselves for love, but you are love. Born of love, made of love. Not human love, but God’s love. God’s love is inside you. Look into your heart and feel the love. Blessings upon you, Uriel.
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