Abandoned site ahead / Hope

Hi everyone; I just turned on my laptop and logged into my blog site for the first time in over two maybe three months. Wow sometimes life is HARD, and you lose interest in the very things you once received the most pleasure in. For me one of those things was writing. I guess I thought it was fruitless to write since I couldn’t better my life circumstances with my poetry and  general bad grammar, let alone spelling.

So life is harsh at times, and wishing and wanting and hoping don’t always seem to help. When you are carrying a heavy burden hoping with all your heart for a stream of water, a cup or a glass somewhere up the road will not place one there, it may be many  many years before you find one if you find on the way.

But as believers in the name of Jesus Christ, we must realize that we are not thinking in the same terms, and that our Hope is a real fountain of living water which never fails even when we suffer extreme conditions in this life because our hope is not on this life but on the everlasting life which is hidden in us in Christ Jesus.

A friend shared something on hope recently that was  quite revealing in a way, she spoke of a wine named hopes end, and how some brave sailors once voyaged to the dark side, to find a better life, how they arrived to find {hopes end}, in that moment they stopped hoping for a better tomorrow & and instead started living for the day.

Our hope is done when we live in Christ, because we have the fulfillment of life in him and no other desires to cause our hearts to want. “Christ in you the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27 kjv

When I am out long range shooting, I never hope… I never hope to hit my targets no matter the size or distance. I go with what I know and its done, that’s the way of true Christianity its settled! Its done! the hope is not wishful thinking anymore the hope is life, eternal life. For if we are Christs and his Spirit is in us then we are hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3 kjv,  so our hope is done… so now to live… For to live is Christ!

And what of those who deny us resent us or abandon us because of our life/hope well as Paul says in Romans “If God is for us who can be against us.” I would only add if God is for us “the whole world can be against us”, and what does that matter God is for us.

Three shots at over 1/2 a km, the first hit to the left turning the target left the second hit the center dot, and the plate being turned on edge, the third time I aimed for the edge and hit the edge. No hope involved just getting on the gun and doing it.

When we are truly Christs hope is a given no longer an emotion or wish or a thought or plan,  but no matter what… it is life, and to live is Christ.

Oct 1 17

Hubert Rondeau


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