Advertising Goes Bananas

As new trends in advertising go, I suppose this is not horrible.  Showing commercials before movies at the movie theatre  is horrible, playing commercials before YouTube videos is horrible, and having flat screens showing commercials above urinals at bars is–okay, I have to stop there, because that is pure genius, though morally bankrupt.

This little add-on to my bananas is cute, and may even spur more banana eating among children.  Of course there are advertising stickers on the bananas already, but since I have already shown them to you in an earlier post, I decided not to do it again.  This time it is for the DVD release as opposed to the promotion of the film in the cinemas.

While my opposition to this is still large, I can already feel my sensitivity being numbed.  They might have to switch to apples to provoke a reaction from me next time.


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