Awakening to the Temple Light of Dawn by Antiera-Jessibiah

From the velvety darkness of night
where the seeds of dreams
are planted in the fertile soil of the Soul,
I awake to the temple light of Dawn. 
To your skin, soft as silk
caressing my Body, my Heart, my Being.
In waves of pure ecstatic rapture
all that is divinely beautiful,
blossoms eternally from our love ~ Antiera-Jessibiah

It is in the deepest stillness that the seeds of the New Energies are planted deeply within our very Bodies and Souls. In the rich fertile soil of Infinite Love we awaken within the temple light of a New Dawn. A Living Light that rises from within, merging with our consciousness, bringing Heaven to Earth.

Some of us are deeply drawn to do this process with our Divine Counterpart (our true Divine Spouse at the God/Goddess level of Creation). This path is more than just a desire, it is the living, breathing heartbeat of our very existence. It is who we are. It calls to us deeply from within and permeates and soaks every aspect of our Being. It is deeply intimate, personal and profoundly beautiful. It is the living breathing essence of Heaven manifested on Earth. For some of us, it is our expression of the New Earth energies and is deeply alive with the passionate beauty of our Divine Masculine God Essence and our Divine Feminine Goddess Essence as One. A true Divine Marriage that has lived and breathed and existed for Eternity.

Our psalms or poetry of Holy Divine Marriage are created and shared to assist you in connecting in new or deeper ways with your own Divine Counterpart (Divine Consort) at the God/Goddess Consciousness level of Creation. These psalms or poetry can be used in Prayer Practices such as Lectio Divina (Divine Reading) or in other ways you may feel drawn to do so. As you slowly read and meditate with the above Psalm of Holy Divine Marriage, connect with your Beloved in the state of your own inner God/Goddess Consciousness. Allow the living words that are in essence your own true Divinity, to rise up from within you as you merge into this deep consciousness of your own Holy Divine Marriage as One. It is in states of Pure Being of your own God Goddess Consciousness that the realms of heaven begin to become deeply alive here on Earth. This is the very heartbeat of your existence as you come into Harmony with the Divinity that is You. With Love & Blessings for a beautiful day, Antiera-Jessibiah

If you share any of our heavenly sacred writings, please include a link to our website. We so deeply appreciate it!

If you share only our Psalm of Heavenly Divine Marriage, please include our names Antiera-Jessibiah with the Psalm and also a link to our website. We so deeply appreciate it!

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