Balance Your Hormones Day1

I started my 30 Days of No gluten, sugar and alcohol this morning. I bought some organic green tea to see how it would be if I replaced my morning cup of coffee with tea. My tea lady Kirsten at Tea 4 U suggested I have green tea first thing in the morning and if I feel like a cup of coffee later than go ahead. This morning I got up and made a cup of tea. I am amazed that I felt fine with no headache. I did feel calmer.

Sunday is our church day. I went to coffee hour and had a very small piece of egg with spinach. I decided to go home to make coffee. My French press coffee is so much better than church coffee. I make it strong and only drank a small cup.

I feel good. My mouth is still a bit off, a slight burn to it. I have confidence it will be better. No hot flashes.

I am making Danielle Walker’s Chicken soup for dinner. I love her cook books! Very simple easy gluten free and dairy free recipes.

Would you like to join me? So much easier with friends! Dr. Northrup says we will feel changes quickly. Balanced hormones are key to fabulous health!

Follow me on facebook or instagram. I will be posting and I hope you will be too!

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