BOOK REVIEW: Mister Romance by Leisa Rayven

 As his alter-ego Mister Romance, Max is a drop-dead gorgeous escort who makes romantic fantasies come to life. No sex, just swoon-worthy dates to die for, and the cream of New York’s socialites can’t get enough.  Whether they want a dominating billionaire, bad boy with a heart of gold, hot geek, sexy biker, or best friend who loves them from afar, Max can make it all happen, but he’s careful to keep his real identity a secret.

Enter investigative journalist Eden Tate. Having caught wind of the urban legend of Mister Romance from a lovestruck client, Eden is determined to publish a scathing expose on Max and his ability to swindle lonely society women out of their fortunes.

Desperate to protect his anonymity and his clients, Max challenges Eden to give him three dates. If she doesn’t fall in love with him, she can run her story with his blessing. If she succumbs to his charms, the story dies.

Cynical Eden has no doubt she can resist his fake romance personas, but when the real Max admits he’s falling for her, she has to decide if the professional liar is telling the truth, or if the passionate man with the mysterious past is just one more character designed to con her out of her career-making story.

Melanie’s 3-Star Review:

The very start of Leisa Rayven’s latest release, Mister Romance had just the right feel. I loved the premise and the introduction to its characters and most especially the element of anticipation as to how exactly the mystery that is Mister Romance was to be unveiled.

From the get go, you could feel the jadedness and the cynicism that drives Eden’s belief when it comes to everlasting love—a notion which basically doesn’t exist in her world. Therefore one night stands with douchebags is the way to go with her. Orgasms equate to all the release she needs to get through life without truly forming bonds outside of the handful of people she’s let in. While she lacks passion in the bedroom, the same thing cannot be said for her passion for real, gritty journalism. Day in and day out, she fights through the boring requisites of her current job – hoping and praying to prove herself to be more than the bland “one-click” baiting articles asked of her to write. So when the opportunity strikes to write up an expose about a paid male escort who is referred to as Mr. Romance by the elite female socialites, Eden jumps on the chance straightaway. What she never saw coming was what her expose would expose about her.

Max Riley’s character is fascinating. I loved how he had so many different sides to him, ones that any woman would fall prey to. But what I really loved about his character was how he genuinely believed in his services. Helping bored, lonely, at times depressed women re-discover themselves through role playing dates. The whole principle was interesting to say the least. Most curious of all was his zero tolerance for any hanky panky to take place during these dates he’d have with his clients. Never the kind of guy who would take advantage of vulnerable women, Max lays down the law from the get go. All of his rules are thwarted out the window when he lands Eden as his newest “client”. The lines between what’s real to what’s make believe begins to blur. With Eden’s preconceived opinions about Mr. Romance being nowhere near the Max Riley she has gotten to know. Torn between listening to her heart for once in her life versus going after an expose of a lifetime which will finally give her the chance to land her dream job, she finds herself discombobulated. So which will she give in to? Guess you’ll have to find out for yourself.

The heated, slow burning romance between Max and Eden started out so deliciously good but as the pages wore on, so did my patience. I was hoping that since it’d been simmering for so long, we’d get this raging fire that’d be so out of control I’d find myself as discombobulated as Eden was. Gosh, how I would have loved for this to have taken off as I’d expected. This author’s past works have never failed to take me on to cloud 9. But alas, Mister Romance didn’t quite pan out for me as I had hoped. While I enjoyed the start of this book, my interest began to wane towards the end. Overall, I enjoyed Max’s character most—I thought he made for the perfect Mr. Romance.

About the Author:

Writing has always been a passion for Leisa, and even though she originally intended to be an actress, it wasn’t long into her time at drama school that she began writing plays.

Those plays were bad. Very bad. Well, her friends thought they were good, but that’s because they were always cast in them and any opportunity to be on stage was met with an obnoxious amount of enthusiasm.

Since then, she’s honed her craft, and several of her plays have been produced and toured throughout Australia.

These days, playwriting has given way to fiction writing, and she is now the proud mother of numerous book babies, including BAD ROMEO, BROKEN JULIET, and WICKED HEART. (Macmillan New York)

Leisa lives in Australia with her husband, two little boys, three judgmental cats, and a kangaroo named Howard. (*NB: Howard may or may not be her imaginary marsupial friend. Everyone should have one.*)

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