Brittany – 2017     To the outermost end of the earth…

When I looked out of the window overnight it had stopped raining and when we woke up this morning it was still dry so we nipped into town for breakfast. We’ve been doing this because the otherwise excellent Hotel Kregenn has the brass neck to demand €13 per person for breakfast, so they know where they can put that.

Today we set off to the outermost end of the earth, France’s answer to Land’s End, this is Finisterre after all, to a place called Pointe du Raz. Here we are promised “…deafening surf- roar and to look out towards the impressive sequence of lighthouses that march towards the horizon.” *Rough Guide* In fact what we got was this

and it was starting to rain. So we headed back for a coffee at the amusingly named Sea Vue Café, which didn’t have one because of the weather, as you can see.

At this point we gave up and decided to head back to Quimper but SatNav gave us a small diversion and we dropped down to this amazing beach

at the Baie des Trépassés (Bay of the Dead) so called because of all the shipwrecked bodies washed up here over the years. You could also (just) see a couple of those marching lighthouses if you look hard enough.

Anyway we liked it very much and it’s popular with surfers and there are two very decent looking hotels.  Here’s one of those clever but skinny panorama shots to give you an idea of the scale of the place.

So we then made full steam back to the Carrefour Hypermarket in Quimper to do a little stocking up of those essentials that, apparently, only France can provide. Mrs Sixwheeler seen here arriving and ready for battle…

…and rocking a very Breton look in her stripes; in fact it made her really hard to find as literally everyone there is in a striped top. Anyway it was a successful expedition and we got out in under two hours!

In the evening we walked along the River Odet in Quimper where there are some fine buildings and great effort has been put into their lovely floral displays.

Sadly this was our last evening in Quimper as tomorrow we set off to Saint Malo and the ferry home. 

5 September 2017

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