I swore I would not work putting pots in the Southwest garden again today. I lost the bet with myself. Because there was an area on the thriving side that looked sad and I was curious. What did I find? Lots of tree roots. Even the daylily that I put in a half pot a couple months ago had roots growing up into the pot – but the daylily was doing better than without the pot.
Such findings make me feel a little nauseated, really. I made an investment in daylilies after doing a pilot out there. All my pilot plants did (and do) beautifully. So, I make a bigger garden spot there. The problem is that I think the scale is drawing the roots. In the pilot, I hand watered. But, now I have to mass water and fertilize. The half pot I dug up had roots woven around the outside of the pot in its exact shape. They dominate.
So, now I think I may have to do real garden pots (as opposed to nursery pots) out there, after all. The reason is that if I cut big enough holes in the pot bottoms to protect from root rot, I get root invasion. Catch 22. The real (decorative plastic) pots that I used in the front garden have a second bottom piece to help with drainage – so I can have a large drainage hole and roots can’t really grow up into the daylily space. Oh, I will work with the nursery pots for this year. But, I see the future. I am feeling like a farmer now.
I also divided several more daylilies. Little by little, the fall work is getting done. I am really ready for a boring split shift where I walk the dogs downtown. I feel overwhelmed with daylilies. Seriously. Am I ready to be a farmer?
Anyway, enjoy my blooms from today. I’ll worry about the tree roots.
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