Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Dandelion Salad
with Chris Hedges
RT America on Nov 6, 2017
Pankaj Mishra, author of Age of Anger: A History of the Present, discusses the poisoning of civil society and undermining of political liberty that is fueling “a global turn to authoritarianism and toxic forms of chauvinism.” RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at how the New Deal saved the U.S. from political anarchy.
from the archives:
What is Socialism? Parts 1-7
Why the World is Crazy
Michael Parenti: The Threat of US Imperialism (2013) + Capitalism’s Self-Inflicted Apocalypse by Michael Parenti (2009)
Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.: The Three Evils of Society: Racism, Militarism and Capitalism (must-see)
Michael Parenti: These Countries Are Not Underdeveloped, They Are Overexploited (1986)
Chris Hedges: Confronting the Signs of a Society in Decline
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